Changing a job is a decision that must not be taken lightly, a job in hand is worth 200 in the Nigerian job market. However, if you still desire to change your job, there’s a couple of questions you need to ask yourself apart from the location and obviously the pay. Here, I would discuss important questions you would wish you asked yourself before embarking on the job or career change.
Why do I need to quit my Job?
For most employees, in Nigeria at least, a job change goes hand in hand with the degree of a pay rise. There’s are more reasons why you could leave you would want to leave your job, boredom, lack of a challenge, subpar benefits, lack of appreciation, or a rift with one of your superiors at work. Once you have identified the reason, the next thing to do is to figure out if said problems could be resolved as soon as possible. If yes, then you might realize that you might not need to leave your current job. In any case remember to try to find the serenity to accept the things you cannot change and try to find the courage to change the things that you can.
What kind of Job do I want?
Before quitting your present job, you should have your next job waiting in line. So before even considering quitting your current job, you have to know what you want from your next job, better pay? better hours? A job description that suits your skillset and talents? A different job with a different boss and different challenges, or just a job that makes use of your passion. Whatever it may be, it’s best that you be as realistic with yourself as possible. When you figure this out, then you can go about in search for the next job, apply for as many jobs as a possible but as a professional, it is best to create a schedule and remain strategic with your job search, let your desires for your next job guide your search.
Do I need to better my skillset for the new Job?
Upgrading your skillset should be a goal you embark on yearly, your skillset is your greatest asset and you have to invest your time into upgrading it at regular intervals. Now that you’ve decided what job you want, you could theorize what the typical job description for that job could be. You could then conduct an honest self-audit and evaluate your present skillset vs. those on the job description. The results will show what you need to improve and the skills you need to acquire for the new job.